Chapter 184: Tree Demon... Works Too!_2

Their gazes were filled with pity!

Thick with desire.

Some even had tears brimming in their eyes, looking at him with sorrowful, pitiable expressions, their red lips slightly parted.

"Servant begs for master's favor."


Fang Yang was stunned, even a bit befuddled, as he gazed at the women before him.

He could feel that these enchantress-like beings were truly sincere.

Because, from the moment they knelt down, they had abandoned all resistance, even unloading their cultivation strength.

Should he wish so, he could easily kill all these enchantresses.

What on earth was going on? Could this be the Illusion Moon Tower, the unfathomable, death-filled place of legend?

But why was it that after he entered, there was not only no so-called test of conscience but also not the slightest hint of danger?

Could it be that the supposed deadly threats were these enchantresses, draining him dry until his body withered away?