Chapter 190: The God-burning Lamp, Ye Qinghong's Birthdate Characters!_1

Dark clouds hung low over the city, threatening to crush it.

At this moment, on the second floor of Illusion Moon Tower, the clouds roiled like ink, the atmosphere so heavy it seemed a thunderstorm was imminent.

Just as the people of the demonic path planned to strike at Fang Yang, all the women stood before him.

Including Hua Lianyue!

Her complexion was pale, her eyes weary, appearing as though she had reached the end of her strength, exceptionally weak.

Like an orchid in a storm, withering seemed a possibility at any moment.

But still, she stepped forward, with unwavering resolve, standing by her master's side, biting her lip.

Even now, she was unclear whether she did it for her master's sake, or for her senior sister.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Fang Yang, clad in black robes, sat on his throne, tapping his fingers lightly on the table, looking at the demonic path's heavy hitters in attendance, as if disappointed.