Chapter 193: You All Must Die_1

The torrential rain poured down, creating an atmosphere that was oppressively tense.

In the second level of the Illusion Moon Tower, all the disciples of the demonic path had died, their bodies covering the ground. Blood mixed with rainwater, flowing ceaselessly.

A thick scent of blood permeated the air.

The Sect Masters of the Ghost Lantern Sect and the Hehuan Sect, as well as the leader of the Corpse-Controling Sect, had pale faces, their eyes wide with horror.

They stared dumbfounded at the black figure in the storm and up at the colossal dharma image in the void.

Chilled to the bone, with spines tingling with cold, as magnates of the demonic path, for the first time they experienced fear.


The autumn wind howled, stirring the autumn rain and also fanning the flames of the divine lantern.

The Ghost Lantern Sect Master beheld the gigantic five blue lotuses, his eyes the color of pale green filled with disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.