Chapter 198: _2

What do I do next? It seems from the illusions that I would need to busily attend to many things as a maidservant, and also... I might not be able to bear it.

The little maid's face flushed red, her body trembling incessantly, while Fang Yang was stunned by the astonishing thought processes of the princess...

Ordinary people faced with danger would likely think about how to break the situation, but when it came to the princess, it seemed better to die a glorious death than a miserable one.

The corners of his mouth twitched, as he prepared to dissuade the princess, only to see Ye Qinghong also gripping her sword, her eyes blazing as she stared at him, eager to try, with the hint of a red candle wax appearing and disappearing in her sleeve.

Gong Yajun was the most direct, simply sealing off the surroundings on the spot, blocking all lines of sight, her robes already shed to reveal her skin white and jade-like.
