Chapter 208: Guan Qinghan's Service, Entering the Cat's Body_2


She was his enemy, the very same she and the consort of the King of Zhen Nan had jointly targeted.

"What do you mean by this?"

Guan Qinghan frowned and questioned.

Ye Qinghong on the other hand, was expressionless, a strand of his hair floating in the breeze.

"The Blood Rain Sect is fraught with crisis at every turn. I'm merely reminding the Saintess to be cautious. I will show mercy, but others will not."


Guan Qinghan bit her lip, looking at Ye Qinghong, fully aware that he was talking nonsense.

But his status before the Demon Lord was indeed higher than her own, leaving her powerless to refute.

However, she quickly retorted with a sneer.

"Lord Ye, I know you are very fond of your master, and that the Demon Lord holds some affection for you. But what of it? Do you have any idea what just transpired between me and the Demon Lord in the halls of his abode? We were almost dying for love..."