Chapter 213: Sleep with Me First_1

The note stained with blood carried not only the stench of gore but also emitted a faint, bewitching fragrance that touched the heart and soul.

Fang Yang looked at the note, the corners of his mouth curving slightly into a smirk traced with coldness, and then, with a flick of his wrist, the note completely vanished.

He continued forward, from start to end, without anyone noticing anything amiss.

"Let's go, it's getting dark. The eerie is about to descend; I want to see just how interesting this mountain village can be."


Mist enshrouded the air.

Xiaohei Village!

Inside a desolate courtyard.

The cold wind howled, leaves fell chaotically; it was now deep autumn, freezing cold, and ordinary people had long been wearing thick clothes.

Yet at this moment, Xiaodie was clad in thin garments, her face pale, huddled in the black night, shivering violently, looking utterly terrified.