Chapter 227: Mo Ke: Please, Master, punish your disciple severely!_1

The night was deep.

Tonight, the moonlight was like a lake, covering the courtyard!

Mo Ke held a lantern in her hand, her Daoist robe fluttering as the hairpin on her head seemed to merge with the moonlight itself.

Gleaming and translucent.

It was neither luxurious nor cheap; instead, it exuded an air of mystery that was very much like her.

The door creaked open, and the moon filled the western chamber.

Mo Ke simply pushed the door open, the lantern illuminating the surroundings and the Empress's boudoir.

Now, it was so graceful and elegant.

The boudoir was somewhat messy, no longer as quiet and natural as before.

Fang Yang was seated cross-legged on the bed, a brocade quilt covering his legs!

His face was expressionless, and his eyes were strange as he looked down at the quilt, as if he was somewhat helpless, but he quickly concealed that look.

He still had an indifferent demeanor.

Guan Qinghan!