Chapter 232: Ye Qinghong: Master, I can hardly hold back anymore. _1

The night was like a curtain, the stars like a river!

The brilliant stars traced a silver belt across the night sky.

Walking in the night, Fang Yang's face was calm, with a faint smile on his lips.

The night was so profound.

From the darkness, the occasional cries of women could be heard, but he couldn't be bothered to pay attention, only when these women blocked his path did he flick his sleeve and a speck of black flames shot out from between his brows, instantly burning upon their bodies.

The flame of life, endless and unceasing!

These specters stood no chance against it.

As the flames touched them, the specters let out screams, then collapsed to the ground, turning to ashes in an instant, never to exist again.

Meanwhile, Fang Yang continued his steps toward the inner palace, his brow slightly furrowed, reflective.

Indeed, the world had changed.