Untitled Section_2

The stockings, woven from black ice silk and emitting a faint, haunting fragrance, naturally split apart.

They fell onto the bed.

Exposing the snow-white, straight jade legs.

There, amidst the bedding, they tangled tightly together, occasionally convulsing in spasms.

Accompanied by those faint moans, anyone would think that something exceedingly romantic was happening within the palace.

The moment had arrived...

It was almost there!

The Empress bit down on her silver teeth, her cheeks flushed pink, and her gaze had become incredibly complex, using sheer willpower to fight against the strange sensation rising in her body.


That sensation was like a volcanic eruption, relentless once it burst forth, completely beyond her will to resist; in this way, she was gradually swallowed by it.

Her cherry lips parted slightly!