Chapter 245: Binding the Empress!_1

In the tranquility of Ganlu Palace, a hush had fallen, the atmosphere so oppressively solemn.

Hearing what Prime Minister Zhang Jushan had just said, the Empress shot up from Fang Yang's side, not even sparing a moment to tend to her injuries.

Her gaze sharp, a few shades of shock shone through her phoenix eyes as she suddenly looked outside the grand hall.

"Is what the Prime Minister just said true? Did your son pass away tonight?"



After a moment of silence, in the darkness, Zhang Jushan nodded, his voice so indifferent, as if devoid of any emotion, still bearing the demeanor of an iron-blooded Prime Minister. Yet, the tremor in his voice was enough to prove the immense grief in his heart.

And it was a grief that couldn't be erased or hidden.

Zhang Jushan had his son late in life, his only child. Though he was usually particularly calm and strict,