Chapter 246: The Fall of the Empress_2

And the meridians through which these things flowed were related to the direction in which the ropes were tied.

The ropes were gently swinging, emitting bursts of Spiritual Energy, while her meridians became wider and more majestic.

Added to those disorderly movements,

they actually made the merging of the dragon energy much smoother, and even she could feel that this time, the merging of the dragon energy was much faster than before.

Could it be...

The Demon Lord was right just now?

This ridiculous rope, those unrestrained movements, were they all for the merging of the dragon energies?

But... but isn't this a bit too preposterous? How could such a thing exist in the world?

She was full of disbelief, as if in a dream, and even had a sense of unreality, still somewhat unable to accept it even now.