Chapter 250: Hua Lianyue Returns!_1

Inside the Pear Garden!

Clad in theatrical costume, the breathtakingly beautiful woman bit down on her silver teeth, her lovely eyes filled with endless hatred.

Shame and anger intermingled.

Leaves rustled and danced in the wind; Zhang Jushan squinted at the scene, his face sketching a trace of surprise.

This was his first surprise since entering the courtyard, for before this moment, he had always appeared utterly confident, as though nothing could escape his control.

The Demon Lord... indeed somewhat interesting.

Regarding the world as a chessboard, he had laid out this game for ten years, using all the common people as chess pieces, with the Empress of Tang as one of them. Everyone in the world was included in his calculations.

The only one he could not see through was that fragile female State Preceptor.

Even the Demon Lord had never caught his eye.