Chapter 252: Demon Lord: Good Disciple, Come and Serve Your Master!_2


But soon, as if something dawned on her, her body jolted, and a look of astonishment washed over her face.

"It seems that the fourth junior sister remembers quite clearly. Indeed, I despised our master, yet love is as deep as it is keen. As such, I now deeply love our master. He has reformed and become even more charming and suitable to be a perfect husband. Given that, naturally, I would not miss out, and I suppose in a few days I will be marrying our master. Will you bless me, junior sister?"


Hua Lianyue was stunned, staring at her second senior sister with a befuddled look that carried both confusion and a hint of a smile.

She had guessed many possible responses from her second senior sister, but had never anticipated an answer quite like this.

Could it be...

...that the second senior sister isn't joking and is sincerely in love with our master? Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could this be?