Chapter 251: Clashes Between Fellow Female Disciples!_2

If it were any other day, she would have easily crossed over without worry.

But now, with serious injuries and a weak foundation, the fact that she had managed to hold on until now was already a miracle; in truth, many times along the way, she had almost burnt out.

Yet, in the end, for reasons unknown, bursts of strength emerged from the depths of her body, allowing her to hold on until this moment.

However, everything must eventually come to an end.

With this thought, her peach blossom eyes dimmed considerably, and she took a deep breath, trying her best to remain calm.

Knock, knock, knock!

She gently knocked on the wooden door of the Star Picking Observatory.

Rustle, rustle...

A peaceful set of footsteps arose from within the Star Picking Observatory, drawing ever closer, until they reached the door.

Hua Lianyue forced her spirit to stay alert, continuously considering how she would persuade her second senior sister upon seeing her.

At last, creak.