Untitled Chapter_1

Behind the Star Picking Observatory, mist woven thick as yarn.

Everything was so serene.

And within that mist, two remarkably beautiful figures submerged themselves into the lake, letting the icy waters envelop them, one as cold as the sword, the other as calm as a stream.

Though different in temperament, both were devastatingly beautiful.

What's more, neither was of simple status, one was the State Preceptor of the Great Tang, scheming over the whole world, the other was the Shocking Sword, decisive in killing.

But now, both were agitated, their faces tinged with layers of clouds and sunset hues, continuously pondering their master.

Their skin, cool as jade, trembled slightly.

Eyes flickering with brilliant colours, seemingly contemplating something.

Mo Ke, after all, was an heir of the celestial calculations, who valued inner peace above all.

Though still influenced by those inexplicably arising emotions, she was the quickest to regain her composure.