Chapter 357: You Sisters Serve Me Together_2

She looked at her eldest senior sister with a feeling of guilt or perhaps, self-reproach.

After all, she knew her too well and was well aware of just how long the elder sister had been waiting for the bridal chamber candle night.

Yet now, she had offered herself to their master before her senior sister, which must tear at the elder sister's heart like a knife.

But if she were to offer their master to her senior sister right now, her own heart would also feel some reluctance.

She was willing to sacrifice everything for her elder sister and to give up everything.

Except for the master!

Within the palace, Hua Lianyue bit her lips tightly, with eyes full of bitterness, shame, and sorrow, struggling to speak.

The air seemed to have become stagnant, as the sister disciples locked gazes.

Hua Lianyue's peach-blossom eyes rippled faintly, while Ye Qinghong's gaze was icy.