Chapter 362: Guan Qinghan's Grand Plan for Surrogate Pregnancy!_2

"If you ask me, just execute the person right away."

"Indeed, the Demon Lord used to be so arrogant only because we, the righteous path, haven't settled the account with them yet. They actually think they can oppose us."


A group of people, filled with righteous indignation, kept condemning.

Wishing nothing more than to trample the Demon Lord into the dust.

Zheng Heng just watched all this with a cold eye, without interfering or explaining.

He certainly had no need to explain. After all, he and Zhao Cheng were true rivals; he would be glad if Zhao Cheng just dropped dead, so there was no need to stop the opposition. With the Demon Lord's strength, as long as Zhao Cheng opposed the Demon Lord, it was likely that Tianjian Sect would be destroyed outright.

The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. He would benefit from the situation like a fisherman reaping the reward, and what could be more gratifying?

Crack! Crack!