Untitled Chapter_1

Under the bright moon, Guan Qinghan's voice was as clear and cold as the icy moonlight itself, freezing together in the air.

Radiating a breathtaking beauty.

This made Guan Yuanshan pause, looking at his daughter, now a stranger to him, he was torn between sourness and relief, and in the end, he could only sigh.

"If that's the case, then as your father, I believe you can handle these matters cleanly."

"However, always remember that I am not only the Sect Master of the Yanqi Sect but also your father. No matter what happens, I will help you. Do you understand?"


Guan Qinghan nodded, her voice trembling slightly, revealing how deeply moved she was.

Then, with a light tap of the toes on the ground, she soared away. After she left, Guan Yuanshan stood in the pavilion, watching his daughter's departing figure with a complex gaze.

To tell the truth, even now he did not know whether what he had done was right or wrong.