Chapter 271: Empress Dowager, Empress Both Prostrate on the Dragon Chair? (Part 3)_1

Inside Daming Palace.

The Empress clenched her silver teeth, her eyes still brimming with endless fury as she looked at the Empress Dowager before her.

The Recording Stone!

Did she really think she couldn't see it?

Indeed, this woman was so despicable, probably lying in wait for this opportunity all along.

And now, she had finally got her chance, even intending to record it with the Recording Stone.

With murderous intent surging within her, the Empress stared unflinchingly at the Empress Dowager, her dark hair behind her whipping wildly, ready to directly suppress and kill the Empress Dowager.

No matter what, she absolutely could not let this woman go out and make the Recording Stone public.

However, she had forgotten that she was still in the midst of cultivation, and moreover, in the midst of cultivating with the Demon Lord in a state of self-forgetfulness.