Chapter 273: Ministers: What are the Empress and the Demon Lord Doing?_2

There was a playful and mocking tone in his words, as if he had already seen through her heart, always so composed, such a calm Demon Lord was making the Empress a bit nervous. She couldn't fathom what he intended.

The next second, the Demon Lord lowered his head and kissed her cherry lips directly.


The Empress felt as if her mind had exploded, her thoughts in disarray; she couldn't understand what on earth was happening.

All she knew was that the Demon Lord was calmly taking from her.

After a long time, they parted, and the Empress sat dumbfounded on her dragon throne, her expression slightly dazed as if she hadn't yet struggled out of the shocking scene that had just unfolded.

When she lifted her head, she saw the Demon Lord walking towards the exit of Daming Palace, his figure tall and straight, his pace relaxed, as if nothing had happened at all.

The words of the Demon Lord echoed in her ears.