Chapter 287: Are You Such a Wanton Empress?_1

Chang'an, the Imperial Palace!

The civil and military officials had all made their preparations.

Clad in their official robes, they lined up in neat rows outside the Imperial Palace, each gaze more complex and nervous than the last.

Just one month prior, these officials had been fantasizing about following the wise and virtuous Empress to make their mark on history, securing a millennium-long foundation for the great Tang Dynasty.

But who could have imagined that, in such a short period, things would take such a drastic turn?

The sagacious and noble sovereign was no more, replaced by a depraved monarch, infatuated with the Demon Lord, and indulging in debauchery.

What's more, she was to parade this scandal in front of the common people, strolling through the forests with the Demon Lord.

What a disgrace! What absurdity!