Untitled Section_3

He slipped past a person in black.

This person in black was originally hidden in a corner, observing Fang Yang, with a flame burning between his eyebrows, his fingers drawing a Formation!

It seemed he wanted to take advantage of the fight between his partner and Fang Yang, to use the Formation to probe Fang Yang's bottom line, and if possible, to come into contact with Fang Yang's spirit, which would allow him to curse and kill Fang Yang later on.

However, all these schemes vanished into thin air as the Sword Qi swept by.


The person in black fell to the ground, stirring up layers of rainwater.

Next to him, a girl in green stood in silence, her eyes cold and her sword's gleam sharp.

Three thousand strands of her black hair were tied into a bunch and draped slowly behind her.

Who else could it be but Ye Qinghong?

She was here to protect her master; with her present, no one would even think of harming her master in the slightest!