Untitled Section_2

Until, another sentence reached her ears.

"Have you heard? Today the Empress is to tour the maple forest with the Demon Lord, and this is probably the first time, isn't it?"

"You don't say, it really is so. The Empress is quite the eminent figure, an ordinary man can hardly catch her eye, let alone accompany her on a tour."

"Could it be that the Empress truly favors the Demon Lord? Doesn't that imply that she might marry the Demon Lord in the future? Would that make the Demon Lord our Great Tang's Empress?"

"It's more than that, this is a great joy! Before we were all worried, with the Empress lacking a Prince, the future of the Tang dynasty was uncertain. But with the Demon Lord, the Empress might conceive a Prince, and we will no longer have such worries!"