Untitled Chapter_1

Inside the White Jade Tower, the hall!

Guan Qinghan's gaze was icy cold, and she gently bit her lip, the scenes that had just unfolded occupying her mind.

It was the very moment when Fang Yang and Chu Lian'er had agreed to enter the boudoir together.

She had thought herself to be a person with a rather firm daoist heart and had also believed she could completely forget the demon.

But now, she realized how wrong she had been—terribly wrong.

Somehow, without her even knowing when, this despicable and shameless Demon Lord had left a deep impression in the recesses of her heart.

An imprint that she herself hadn't even been aware of, had not truly understood, but that was now indelible.

The most vivid evidence was that she actually felt a sour emotion towards Chu Lian'er.

The feeling was so complex; if it wasn't jealousy, then what was it?