Untitled Section_1

White Jade Tower, inside the boudoir!

A mirror, formed of condensed water, was quietly floating, emitting a faint glow, and small ripples.

It was so tranquil and clear.

At the dressing table, Chu Lian'er, the foremost Oiran in the world, sat with lips tightly pressed and cheeks flushed with shame.

Her arms, fairer than frost and snow, gently encircled Fang Yang's neck, and her jade-like legs were wrapped around his waist.

The two were tightly pressed against each other, perhaps in a posture that was too seductive, too absurd. Chu Lian'er leaned lightly on Fang Yang's shoulder, not even daring to lift her head, occasionally sneaking peeks at the mirror. Seeing her reflection so charming and enchanting, she became even more shy, unsure what to do.

She could only watch, with eyes wide open, as the Demon Lord remained expressionless, with layers of black flames burning on his large palms.