Chapter 8: Darkness and the Red Sun

Chapter 8: Darkness and the Red Sun

  Lilly and Nick, who had infiltrated disguised as Lahti members Redsun from the ship,

Nick noticed something under their attire.

"What's this?"

"This ship has fuel, dynamite, and weapons. Whatever you need for a war."

"We've got enough dynamite. No need for that here."

"Charge!" As soon as they arrived at the entrance to the fortress, the storm subsided, and the sky cleared, casting a crimson sun.

Nick "We're going back now; it's over."

Lilly "Don't joke."

The fire inside the fortress!The flames that had been burning in the fortress ceased, and a chorus of screams echoed.


"Haha, haa."

"Boom!" Explosion!!!!

"What the hell is that?" Nick, now grasping the situation, said as he looked ahead.

Night "Inside there!"

The Red Sun group members emerged from the fire, three of them stumbling and falling, poisoned and injured by the fire. Just as one of them came out of the fortress, he held a weapon in hand, blood dripping along the way.

"Blood dripping"


Blood dripped from their fingers.

The girl didn't have a chance to walk out of the fortress entrance.




the three wounds on her chest caused her immediate demise.


she fell. The killer was not someone else but a fellow follower, wearing a similar mask.

"What's going on?" Nick, still uncertain about their actions, said before the disguised mask turned to them.

"What the hell?" Nick was just about to ask what was happening when the mask pointed at them, all three of them.

"Okay, like this!!! " Lilly seems to know something.

"Watch out, everyone," Nick warned everyone in a hushed voice, but everyone heard it clearly.


Even though they had infiltrated, the individuals in front were not to be trusted. The masked figure slowly approached them, with blood dripping along the way.

"Why are the legs missing? They're twisted," Nick observed.

"Yeah, strange," Night agreed.

"Oh my god!!!" Night exclaimed.

"What's wrong? Can I help?" Nick asked, seeing the condition wasn't good.

"We need to communicate with them, see what they're up to," Lilly interjected.

Nick approached them, getting close enough to pose a potential threat.

"Nick!!! Wait!" A warning came from Lilly.

"What's going on inside?" Nick asked again, emphasizing the words.

... There was no response at all.

"Back off, Night," Nick, trying to protect his younger brother, said.

"Yes, brother."

"Lilly, where are you going?"

When the person in front approached... closer and closer, Nick and Night could see her mask more clearly.

"The mask is off!!!" Blood flowed from her mask.


"Deep deep "

her breathing became more rapid... and faster... and faster, before she sprinted towards them.

"Oh no," Nick pushed his younger brother and himself in opposite directions.

"What the hell, we're on the same side!" Nick miscalculated, and before he could react, she swung a knife towards him. Human instincts made Nick raise his hand to block the blade unintentionally.


"Rapid push"


Nick's brother!!!




Blood flowed from Nick's body, but the wound did not come from him???

Before he could turn himself around, Lilly came to Nick's aid just in time.

"Thanks, Lilly. You saved me."

"Why are they trying to kill us?" Nick questioned, shocked by the attempt on his life.

"Yeah," Lilly replied hesitantly.

"Open your mask, Night."

"Yes, brother."

"It's really you," Rose!!!

"Fuck damn!!!. I planned this," Nick, disappointed and almost falling victim to his own plan, said.

"What are they, anyway? Even with their legs injected like this, they can still run. It's terrifying. They must have some kind of antidote for this. Why? Lilly."

"Something happened suddenly. From now on, we have to be more careful," Lilly warned.

Nick and his companions were left to ponder the mysteries surrounding their adversaries.

As they walked into the mansion

  Nick commented,  "You don't need to wear masks anymore; they won't help."

"Hmm, however you look at it, it's still scary. How do these people even come up with the idea to use animal hides like this on their faces?"

Before everyone could discard their masks, something happened!

"Try to observe carefully because I don't know what I'm seeing," Lilly said, looking tense.

"Just now, I saw one of them wearing a mask by the entrance staring at us for a long time," Night quietly observed.

Lilly "Right by the entrance of the gate."

"Ugh, it's not just any animal mask; it looks like a demon's face."

Nick "Damn, it's really creepy. These masks seem to have been upgraded. How far are they willing to go? These people."

Nick, who didn't notice anything but had a vivid imagination, chimed in, "There's something sinister in them."

"There may be evil inside them," Lilly replied softly. "They might release something unknowingly."

"Are you serious? Shall we go back? They might all be dead already," Nick started to tremble.

"Don't be a coward. Kill anything that comes in. That's it," Lilly frowned. Nick and Night were getting more and more shocked by her determined attitude.

"Have you been holding back against them for a long time?"

"It should be like that big brother,"

Regina heaved as the remaining steps from the jetty seemed endless. The eerie atmosphere inside left her shivering, and she had no idea what to expect.

"As soon as they entered the dark corner of the crypt, Nick muttered, 'Are we really going in there?'

'Yes,' replied Regina, her voice trembling.

'All right.' The sound of their footsteps echoed in the room, filled with shattered glass and the remnants of broken furniture. Another figure emerged from the darkness.

'Hey, is that him... Joseph!' The torn cloak and the mask with bloodstains on the face bore witness to the fierce struggle Joseph had endured.

Joseph emerged with a haunting appearance, his body marred and his leg almost severed, showing how much suffering he had endured. He seemed unaffected by the pain, blood flowing from his wounds indicating the severity of his injuries. Before slowly approaching the three of them, he gazed at Lilly, and Lilly returned his stare with anger.

The crumbling remnants of the crypt, with only smoke and smoldering glass fragments left, seemed eerie and desolate.

'He's gone,' Nick said, finally coming to his senses.

'But I can hear footsteps; he's still moving,' Night assured.

  "dragging footsteps,"

"Tap tap tap" The sound of footsteps came from multiple directions.

Surveying the entire chamber heightened their excitement, and the air grew thicker.

"Cough..... cough" The smoke's voice seemed to have no discernible source.

"Cough..... cough" The voice came from all three of them, making it impossible to distinguish their footsteps.

"Cough!!!!" The moment Lilly hissed, Joseph immediately closed in on her. Lilly, who had already been on guard, managed to evade his attack just in time, although she was grazed slightly. Joseph swept his blade widely to push Nick and Night out of his range and took advantage of Lilly's positioning. She bit him on the second attempt. Her vampire instincts allowed her to use her teeth to defend herself effectively, preventing Joseph from striking a crucial point and finding a weakness. Joseph, seeing the vulnerability, was about to strike at Lilly's vital spot."

"Forceful push," Nick and Night rushed at Joseph with all their strength, pinning him against the wall. Both of them managed to keep Joseph in place.

"Is Phak still here?"

"Fuck damn!!!!"

"You!!!!." Joseph seemed to be in a state of confusion, exhibiting more severe symptoms than before. His condition resembled poisoning, with blood oozing from his wounds. It didn't take long for him to become more frenzied than ever. Joseph pushed both Nick and Night away, thanks to his tremendous strength, leaving them stunned.

"Boom!" The collapsing structure, weakened by the heat, tumbled onto him.

"Bang!" Dust settled thickly.

"Is he still alive?" Nick inquired about the situation.

..."My love..."


"It's out," Joseph mumbled, unconscious.

"What's it saying? He's out of it," Nick observed the situation.

"Waargh!" Joseph screamed, like a wild beast, exhibiting an even greater surge of power. He was able to move the fallen beam due to his enhanced strength. The impact sent them both in opposite directions.

Only Lilly and Joseph remained.

"Combat roar" 



In just a short time, the sounds of both ceased, and Nick and Night, who had rushed to recharge Joseph, were taken aback by what they saw. It was Lilly who had silenced Joseph, stopping him from making any more noise. Joseph's face had disintegrated, nothing left of it; it was destroyed by anger and resentment. It was the final scene of Joseph.

"Go to hell!!!" Lilly said as she ended it.

"Let her die; it's a clear demon," Nick accidentally blurted out.

"Gagggggggggggg..!!!!!" before she turned to look at them both.

"Let's go; you didn't have to do that," Night said, trying to console Lilly.

"Um, it's okay. Let's go together," Nick gestured with added body language, raising both hands to chest level, signifying calmness.

Nick and Line gradually began to see a rather disturbing scene unfold, as if they were being hunted by something akin to hungry wild animals.

"Whose handiwork is this? Are those two the culprits?" Night questioned skeptically.

"Well, not necessarily. Some corpses aren't the result of wildlife attacks but intentional murders, stabbed directly in the heart and brain instantly, without allowing the victims to defend themselves or die slowly. It's the work of professionals," Lilly replied with a broad tone.

"Whoever did this must not have been affected by it. Very clear demonic work," Nick continued to speculate about demons.

"Boom!" A loud noise echoed from the shattering glass.

"Oh, darn, startled me every time," Nick muttered to himself.

They cautiously went inside to see if Phak was still there.

"Phak, are you still here?" everyone called out simultaneously.

"If only, how can Phak survive?" Nick muttered quietly to himself.

"Splash, splash," the sound of footsteps echoed as the three moved forward, leaving bloody footprints from the fans scattered throughout the room.

....The atmosphere is terrifying.

"Even before that They were actually performing some kind of ritual."

"Whoa!" Pictures of some corpses being mutilated, the intestines, internal organs, and human brains being spilled out. It's beyond what normal humans can bear.

"Nick abruptly got up and ran outside, followed by Night, who was equally overwhelmed. He went outside and bumped into his brother.

'Ugh, this is really tough,' Lilly sighed as she massaged her temples.

'It's even worse than that secret hideout,' Nick, catching his breath, replied.

'I can't take it anymore, seriously,' Night added.

'It seems like there's nothing left here,' Nick said, feeling slightly better.

'Phak won't make it through this, I guess,' he continued, his face contorted with worry."


the image of a man's neck being hung up Before Night's eyes causing him to be startled and jump back.

  "Swift turn"

"Just a moment, stay quiet, Night... quietly, behind me."

"Wha... What?"

"He's right behind you."

Night slowly turned his face upward.

A demon mask!!!!! Night was grabbed by the collar, and there was a little blood to show that it was real. Nick was ready to fight for his brother's life when suddenly, Lilly, who was following, made them both unaware of what was happening behind.

"Tap" from another figure lurking in the dark corner. The sound made Nick, who turned to look at her, collapse.

"Damn, she's gone," just a second after he thought his brother was being strangled.

"Bang" Nick turned immediately to go back and check on his brother. ... Gone? Now he was the only one left, and he had two more enemies to face.

"I have dynamite, don't come near me!" Just as Nick was thinking about what to say...

"attack" from behind Nick, without him having a chance to react, before Nick's body lay down on the ground.


as he fell to the floor, seeing only the lower part, the unidentifiable feet of the two men who had harmed him. Nick's consciousness was almost gone after the fierce crash. From the loud noise that resounded, his vision gradually darkened, and he finally lost consciousness. ...

Nick woke up with a start.

"A boat, rocking..." Phak, who was smoking.

"Is this heaven, Phak? Let me slap your head."

"Strike with the head,"

"Oh, it hurts."

"Damn, you're really awake," he said, hugging him.

"It's okay."

"You were stabbed in the heart!"

"Did you come up with that on your own? Who said so? My heart is on the left, you know. Look, it's the same old scar."

"But there's a new wound."

"Really? Where?"

"Ugh, so annoying."

"Well, now that's settled."

"That's right," Phak pointed to the other side of Nick.

"Night! Night! Wake up!"

"Oh, brother, what's happening? My head hurts."

"Lilly." Lilly couldn't hide her displeasure, as she still couldn't come to terms with what was happening.


"Thud." Lilly didn't hesitate to embrace Phak.

"But how did you survive, Phak? We all saw it with our own eyes, you were stabbed in the heart." "Well, I was stabbed with a knife in the chest by Rose. Then I released my hand from that secret button immediately, and... they performed some kind of ritual."

"Not long after, the screams grew louder. On the other side, and almost everywhere from outside, they killed each other. The fire erupted from their madness. The ones who died were burned by the fire, and some didn't die well at all."

"I came out of that room after the situation began to calm down and saw a scene that couldn't be explained from inside. Many bodies lying in piles. Before I could react, I was attacked from behind... and then I ended up here, meeting all of you. Everyone was lying unconscious."

"How did everyone end up here?"

"Come back and help, will you?"

"Huh? My brother came back to save me! Tell them to escape!"

"Try to escape now!"

"Well, it's okay. At least we survived," Phak sighed with relief.

"I think we all must have seen a horrifying sight back then, whether it was you, my brother, or anything else. There seemed to be some kind of drug inside, and luckily, we survived." Lilly expressed her opinion.

"Those people... must have made some mistakes," Phak spoke about what he had encountered.

"I'm not sure, but at least we survived," Nick reassured.

"I don't know," Phak remained skeptical about the various events.

"It's really strange. This boat seems to have been prepared somehow," Night observed something from the area.

"Look at this letter. It's just lying around on this boat."

"Try opening it," Nick instructed his brother.

"...Life lived in freedom, and freedom lived in life. Make your life from now on worthwhile..."

"Is there anyone who worships this?" Phak suggested.

"We've been set up," Night confirmed.

"Look at the other side of this," Nick saw the text on the back of the sheet.

"The masked demon is watching us!!!!" The demon in front of them, then, performed a gesture to destroy the evidence of their existence by setting it on fire.

"Die like this, with new clothes and new shoes, plus a little change." Night cleared his doubts.

"Our way out for this matter is not to stay here for the first place, but not staying here is also death due to disaster," Night emphasized.

"Well, whatever it is, this matter is over now. Let's get out of here, we shouldn't know or see anything about it," Phak understood the plan.

"We are survivors," everyone said in unison.

"Let's go. Just like this... out of here. Come on."


"Cranking the engine"

Nick, who had started the machine and steered the boat away from the shore, slowly moved the boat away from the beach.

"The waves from the shore gradually blew the masks off, and the masks that were blown ashore. Not long after, an unknown hand came to collect the masks, along with the remote control..."

"Boom." The explosion resounded in that garden area. Everything was destroyed.


"Whoa," all four of them exclaimed in surprise as the boat took them far away. The beautiful view of the estate had been ruined.

"Wow, Dynamics did this," Nick, who was steering the boat, commented.

"When did you see it, bro?" Night asked, leaning in.

"It's amazing what it can do."

Their boat slowly sailed further and further away. The scene before Nick and Night were rescued by the rescue team was one where they were helped from the shore, and Phak received medical attention for the wound on his left chest. All four of them sat side by side.

"Our resort, huh?" Nick recalled their time together. They all smiled and laughed.

"Guess we'll just have the memories left."

"Want to go back and see, Resortia?"

"Nah, I'd rather follow my own dreams. Drawing graphics is safer than this island."

"What about you, Night?"

"Uh, going back to take pictures for our art projects."

Before Nick and Night's guardians came in and they wasted no time embracing their families, they looked at Phak.

"What about you, Lilly..."

The sun's rays shone into the room. Phak looked at Lilly, her beautiful face glowing in the evening light, making her look even more stunning. Before Phak could ask Lilly again,

"Where are you going next?"

"I don't know," she replied, turning away, then turning back to face Phak.

"Do you want to be together?" Lilly, who had turned away, turned back to face him.

"Sure," and before Lilly could respond, she leaned down on his shoulder, and Phak wasted no time embracing her...

They kissed under the sun's rays.

"...The butterflies transfer pollen from one flower to another to facilitate cross-pollination. They fly around in the evening, roaming through the flower fields. Just because the sun's rays started to fall, the color of the sky turned..."