

Name - Noah Tatsumi

Current age - 10

Partner - Herissmon

Crest - ???


-Appearance [Click]-






Name - Herissmon

Type - Data

Level - Child

Partner - Noah Tatsumi

Description - A Digimon that is full of curiosity he will lose sight of his surroundings once he finds something to catch his eye, although he is also very cautious and will make his tough spikes stand on end when he feels afraid by curling himself into a ball until there are no more signs of danger. However, he becomes very attached to those he has grown fond of, and will show them his favorite treasures that he keeps hidden in his spines.

Special Attack - Lightning Dive, Lightning Fur, Electric Thread

Digievolutions - ??? > Pusurimon > Herissmon > Filmon > ??? > ???



Name - BlackGarurumon

Level - Adult

Type Virus

Follower of - Noah Tatsumi

Description - Covered in black and grayish fur, BlackGarurumon is a Beast Digimon that has the appearance of a wolf. It is a strange Virus-Type variant of Garurumon which is able to easily take down its opponents due to its great speed and ferocity, its body fur is said to be as hard and tough as steel. It loves to pick bones and bury them in the ground.

Special attack: Foxfire, Wolf Cry, Freeze Fang, Slamming Shadow, Red Claw.

Digievolutions - ??? > Tunomon > Gabumon > BlackGarurumon > ??? > ???
