-Chapter 42-



With a mighty boom, a huge explosion erupted right in front of the pyramid completely vaporizing the guardian Gazimon leaving only their Data. If Sora hadn't held me during the explosion I would have surely fallen and been full of sand everywhere!

"Thank you Sora!" I exclaimed with a small smile as I let go of Sora's arms to arrange my hat. I looked back at Sora only to raise an eyebrow before the surprised look in Sora's eyes. "Sora? It's all-...what the hell?!"

Following Sora's gaze, I found myself looking at a beautiful and very familiar Digimon resembling a wondrous six-winged white angel which hid its face with a strange steel helmet from which long hair flowed down to its lower back. In his hands he held a huge staff made of gold and decorated with strange figures barely recognizable from a distance.

This beautiful angel, who seemed to have been sent by God, was the same angel who had saved us from SkullGreymon in the coliseum.

I instinctively knew that this Digimon was TK's Digimon.

While that was a shocking revelation, my brain asked another question entirely.

'Patamon turned into that?!' I felt my jaw hit the floor as I tried to process how the adorable little Digimon had turned into a literal angel, now feeling a little jealous that Palmon only turned into a cactus and not a fairy.

I shook my head to dispel that thought as I turned to TK before giving him a tight hug. "So you're the one who helped us at the coliseum! Thank you so much for that, if it hadn't been for you who knows what would have happened to us! You really are amazing!"

I couldn't help but let out an amused smile as I watched TK's big cheeks blush slightly. "W-Well I didn't know you were there, Piximon said to send Angemon to the coliseum to help some Digimon and-"

"Less talk more action!" BlackGarurumon's growling voice exclaimed as he launched a powerful flare towards the pyramid's door, severely damaging the reinforcements came out of the pyramid en masse and generating a huge cloud of smoke.

"I think you've got it under control-"


With a strong wind, the large smoke screen was quickly dispersed by three figures running rapidly towards us. The first one was also the loudest, it was some sort of rooster with a white colored plumage and a large black crest on top of its head, large feathers were growing upwards on its back making it look like some sort of fusion between a peacock and a rooster.

The second of them was basically a large unicorn of bright white color along with a long golden mane, from its back overhung a sinister black wings resembling the wings of bats. His face was hidden behind a large reddish helmet which also concealed his horn.

It was a little strange how similar the unicorn was to Angemon.

And the third and final Digimon... it was a black-colored Tyranomon.

Three holographic screens appeared around me giving me information about the trio of Adult Digimons. The first of them was Cockatrimon, the second Unimon and the third DarkTyranomon.

I couldn't help but sweat down my back as I saw the amount of Data they had in trio, it was simply too much!

I cringed slightly as I felt BlackGarurumon and Sora's reproachful gaze on me.

"Perhaps.... maybe, huh..., maybe I spoke too soon..." I muttered awkwardly as I laughed foolishly.

"Really, you think?" replied Sora sarcastically before pointing his finger at Unimon, causing the big phoenix to focus his attention on the much smaller flying horse. "Birdramon!"

Ignoring the slight embarrassment swirling in my stomach, I crossed my arms intimidatingly as I gestured to my fellow Digimon. "I'll take care of the chicken! Come on Togemon!"

With an enthusiastic nod, Togemon quickly stood on guard as he awaited the arrival of the big hen. The Cactus wasn't the fastest Digimon, but its counter attacks and blows were devastating so it was best to let the enemy get close before going after it.

TK instead simply looked at DarkTyranomon for a moment before looking off into nothingness for a few seconds, as if reading something. The small boy quickly nodded with a twinkle in his eye, and with just that simple gesture, Angemon quickly got moving and came face to face with the large dark-skinned dinosaur.

BlackGarurumon did not move from his spot, he would be of no help in battle unless extremely necessary. His main purpose was to serve as transport and as a back guard for us.

This was going to be a very close battle.

And it wasn't even against Etemon!



"They're gone already?" whispered Joe uncertainly as he poked his head around behind a corner, ahead of him could be seen a large futuristic style hallway completely empty and absent of noise. "It's been pretty quiet for a while..."

"Wait a minute..." Izzy's voice pulled Joe back to avoid risk as he looked at the smaller boy playing with his Digivice, manipulating the small map of the pyramid zooming in on the entrance. "Well... not quite, they seem to be grouping up at the gate for better defense, I guess the attack took them all by surprise and now they're reorganizing ranks."

At Joe and Gomamon's inquisitive look, Izzy coughed into his fist before turning to look at the pair with a slightly embarrassed smile. "Noah really likes military strategy games, I would sometimes play with him for hours and we gradually became familiar with the terms used by the squads in the games-"

Suddenly a white glow caught the children's attention, turning towards the glow both children watched in surprise and confusion as Garurumon towered over them while Matt looked at them with serious and slightly irritated eyes.

"Get on, quick!" growled the blond as Garurumon ducked low enough for the two children to quickly climb up. Unbeknownst to the pair of children, Matt had been slowly losing what patience he had and now that they had an opportunity he planned to make the most of it. "Izzy lead the way!"

With a slight growl, the light blue wolf sped through the futuristic corridors of the pyramid making his way with only his speed, Izzy's map and Garurumon's keen hearing to avoid nearby Digimons and traps.

After a few minutes of moving with almost no counter time, the group quickly approached the elevator that connected to the lower pyramid and where Noah was being held captive.

"We're almost there al- Watch out!" Izzy exclaimed in panic as he ducked as low as possible.

"Plug Bomb!"

Izzy's sudden shout alerted Garurumon in time to the attack allowing him to dodge it by a few inches. Right next to Garurumon, grinning explosive bullets slammed into the wall causing a-!


A huge explosion...

Quickly the smoke from the explosion dissipated, allowing the children to see their attacker and, to the latter's annoyance, he could see that the children were still alive. Falling from the ceiling with a metallic clang, a strange little robot faced the chosen children without any fear.

"Chosen children... I should have guessed it, only the Digivice would be able to break through my defenses and get information from the pyramid" muttered the small robot as it raised one of its arms and fired another missile barrage at the children.

Garurumon dodged back and forth with jerky movements, the speed with which the robot bombarded the wolf was impressive in itself. Unnoticed by the robot, Garurumon's ears moved steadily before coming to a complete stop, just then the light blue wolf paused for a brief moment before picking up a run and lunging at the robot.

Nanomon stopped its attacks for a thousandth of a second while its programs calculated the best course of action. The robot needed only that millisecond to define its new course of action.

"They seem to have lost their minds" Nanomon intoned with a slight tone of arrogance in his synthetic voice as he raised both hands and pointed his fingers directly at the wolf.

However, before Nanomon launched his attack, Garurumon fired a powerful flare directly towards the robot completely blocking its vision for a brief moment. And it only took that brief moment for Garurumon to pass right by Nanomon without the robot being able to do anything about it.


{...Analyzing new Data...}

{...New course of action suggested...}

Smothering the fire with a single wave of his hand, Nanomon quickly turned around with his open palm pointed perfectly towards the celestial wolf. From his palm emerged a sinister purple and black energy that concentrated into a large violet sphere.

From the large sphere came small black beams that slammed into the walls and floor of the hallway disintegrating the several layers of reinforced metal that lined the interior of the structure.

"Errata Cra-"


An explosion exploded on the robot's back causing Nanomon to miss his shot by a hair's breadth leaving the way open for Garurumon to escape from the robot, breaking through the illusion of the wall and entering the elevator. The little robot turned mechanically toward the cause of the explosion with a slightly annoyed expression on his face.

In front of him stood a large Marine Digimon with thick white fur and bluish eyes. It had four large and powerful legs that together with its prominent and huge razor-like fangs gave an impressive air of authority. And if that wasn't enough, right on its forehead grew a large black horn that pointed directly at Nanomon.

Just behind the Digimon, Joe could be seen with a determined look on his face along with his Digivice glowing in his hand.

"If you want to get to them you must go through me first!" roared Ikkakumon imposingly causing the structure to sway for a brief moment, any ordinary Digimon would open up in fright at Ikkakumon's appearance.

But Nanomon, on the other hand, simply raised its long arms that seemed to flash with electrical energy. He didn't care who it or they were, if anyone stood in his way he was going to take them out bit by bit.

"Looks like I need to take care of a minor annoyance first..."

And with that, a battle between electricity and ice began.


A/N: Sorry for the delay, finally the week of university exams ended quite successfully.


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