This section was created to keep track of the information collected by Noah during his adventure. I thought of this because it would be awkward if the reader wanted to know some information in the previous chapters and had to search one by one, it also serves as a library for me in case I forget something.
Btw, it will also show updated information that will not appear in the FF. An example of this is the category of: Biology of Digimon.
Data: They function primarily to accelerate the growth and maturation of a Digimon by making it more complete and complex. Data is essential to reach the -Digievolution-.
+ Corrupted Data: They function primarily to accelerate the growth and maturation of a Digimon, making it more complete and complex. However, unlike normal Data, Corrupted Data can corrupt a Digimon's Code causing it to suffer a -Dark Evolution- depending on the amount of Data corruption and the Digimon's innate resistance to such Corrupted Data.
Combat Type: These are remnants left by a Digimon killed in combat; depending on the amount of Data the Digimon that adsorbs it can obtain different 'Information' that the previously deceased Digimon possessed.
Training Type: These are remnants of information obtained by a Digimon that has arduously trained some part of its body or mind; depending on the Digimon's training, parts of its body can be strengthened even if it is not visible to the naked eye. -???-
Participation Type: These are remains left by a Digimon that has been seriously wounded during a fight, but has not died, leaving this Data in the open air.
+: If a group of Digimons kills another Digimon, the Data will change from Combat Type to Participation Type, distributing the Data by the Amount of Participation that each Digimon has done during the combat, adding in total the amount of Data that the deceased Digimon had.
+: If the Data of a deceased or wounded Digimon is left in the open air, this Data will turn into vegetation or a Digitama in the same place where the Data was left.
Digievolution: The process in which Digimon undergo a radical reconfiguration of their body structure Data and generally transform into a new species or stronger version of that Digimon. Most Digimon can evolve into a wide variety of Digimon. There are many methods by which Digimon can evolve, with many different requirements.
+ Digevolution Stages: Ranking of the amount of Data the Digimon in question possesses. The higher the Digimon's Evolutionary Stage, the more difficult it becomes to Digivolve to a Higher Stage due to the amount of Data required, making the process extremely difficult, with only a few lucky Digimons reaching the peak of their existence.
Digitama --> Baby I --> Baby II --> Child --> Adult --> Adult --> Perfect --> ???
Mutation: When a Digimon Digievolves into a Higher Stage, there is a possibility that the Digimon can mutate into a different version of itself. This 'Mutation' can be caused by the environment in which the Digimon lives, the type of Data it consumes or its level of combat prowess. These factors mean that two Digimon that start out as the same species can evolve in completely different directions from each other depending on how many lives each lives.
Dark Evolution: Due to a powerful negative or sinister influence, usually of an emotional nature, a Digimon can evolve into a Digimon that is destructive and uncontrollable in most cases. If the Digimon is able to control such a negative influence, it will be able to take full advantage of its new abilities and keep its Code intact.
-Information Locked-
-Information Locked-
Digital Monster: A Digital Monster, or Digimon, is the general term for the creatures that inhabit the Digital World. There are at least 1000 (approx.) species of Digimon that have been confirmed and analyzed by -Information Locked-, although this number may increase as the Digital World advances in age.
Digicore: The Digicore is the central part of the Digimon's body. All the information of a Digimon, its physical appearance, its personality, its powers and abilities is stored in the Digicore, in a word, the Digicore is the essence of the Digimon, which represents its soul.
+: Each Digicore is unique, because each one has a specific Digital ID, which works in the same way as fingerprints in humans.
Life Cycle: The life cycle of a Digimon is almost always the same: they are born from a Digitama, evolve and eventually die, disintegrating into Data.
A Digimon's life is generally violent, as their wild instincts drive them to constantly fight and evolve. A Digimon's childhood is usually quite hard, and the mortality rate of baby Digimon is very high, as their battle skills only manifest themselves during the Infant stage. This is why the Adult Stage is considered the most frequent of the Digimon evolutionary levels, and the vast majority of Digimon that inhabit the Digital World do not evolve beyond this stage; most Digimon are likely to die of old age or fall in battle before they can evolve further.
This is because evolving to the higher levels requires the Digimon to have survived many battles, absorbed large amounts of Data and acquired a considerable amount of experience over its lifetime. Very few Digimon manage to evolve to the Perfect Stage, let alone to -Information Locked-. Digimons that make it to the -Information Locked- are considered legendary or divine.
Attribute: All the Digimon are classified in three different attributes, being these types the manifestation of the information that compose their bodies.
The three existing types are: Data, Vaccine, Virus.
These attributes are handled in a similar way to the rock-paper-scissors game, where Virus normally has an advantage against Data, and Data in turn has an advantage against Vaccine, and Vaccine has an advantage against Virus. Although these advantages are unimportant at the time of a battle, as it is other factors that determine victory.
An Achievement is, in essence, a particular condition that was reached in certain circumstances or at certain times, and generally required considerable effort to be achieved. Upon achieving completion of an Achievement, the Bearer receives one or more rewards for it depending on the quality of the Achievement, although they would only be counted as accomplished after one day of completion had passed (with some exceptions).
There were three categories of Achievements: Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Bronze Achievements offered basic rewards and were generally fairly easy to achieve.
Silver Achievements varied in difficulty, ranging from moderately difficult to very challenging, but the rewards they provided were significant for the Bearer.
Gold Achievements granted large and rare rewards to the Bearer. However, these are extremely difficult to complete and often put the Bearer in situations of extreme risk and near mortality.
A collection of information compiled by an Author in a document customized by the Author. Archives can contain information about almost anything, from memories to dreams, but are often used by some types of Cybernetic Digimon to sort their internal data more easily. Archives are classified based on the importance of the information inside.
+: -Information Locked-
+: -Information Locked-
+ Hazard Archive: A file that has been corrupted in some way or another. It is not recommended to open this type of file under any circumstances, as it is quite possible that you will end up with corruption, disappearance or death of your reader. Despite having Hazard in their name, these Files do not usually pose a threat to the Digital World as such.
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