Nothing Fancy nothing Fitting..Timothy grab his hold in the coffee cup so tight like he's afraid to lose himself.he was in changing boys rooms of Basketball he's suposed to be there or eles the couch will be mad.couch give him ten minutes rest and he drink the whole iced coffee befor someone came.

his mind drift a way there in the chairs there a girl kissing a boy in the game the boy took her inside a room and then she is dead.

just like that wasted the rumours of Pamela the virgin girl who was suposed to be in last year now all in news she was killed by over dose of drugs the boy escape after he saw what he did but the real question who is he..the problem is Timothy only saw them there in dark no cameras nothing only grey walls.

He was suposed to save her do anything but he couldnt.

He saw his phone 



Dead.Pamela songs now all in schoolsxxo i know why you not coming.
