Planning Part 2

Leo walked into the apartment slowly with his sword drawn. He did his best to keep his stomach as he got closer and closer. Each step he took was light and precise. He voided anything that was lying about in order to make the least amount of noise possible. When he got close enough, he held his breath as he raised his sword and swung it down. The zombie's head was sliced right off. But Leo did not stop there. The woman on the floor would turn any second, so he quickly chopped her head off as well. Only then did he turn to look around the room. 

Blood was everywhere, and the door seemed to have been broken off one of its hinges and was hanging ever so slightly. He sighed as he checked the bathroom. When he saw it was clear, he quickly began searching for anything that could be used to sustain him and Rebecca a little longer. 

"Not much here…." Nora complained. She thought that they would at least get a decent find, but it seemed to be a waste of time.

"It's to be expected. This door was closed when we left. If I am right, the woman tried to go out and ended up being chased by a zombie before she could get far. She probably got chased all the way back, and even after the door was closed, the zombie did not give up until it broke the door down. But this is good. We can use the doors in this house along with the ones in Rebecca's house to barricade up my apartment." Leo wanted to gather as many resources as possible to fix up his apartment into a temporary fort. 

"Not a bad idea. I would also take some of her furniture if you can. Make it so that the front door is completely blocked off." Nora suggested. 

"You mean to block off the entrance and use the balcony?" Leo asked with a frown.

"Isn't there a ladder on each balcony? I saw it last night." Nora had checked out his apartment last night, so she knew where everything was.

"That is true. But we will need to figure out how to put it up and down. Maybe we can just use a rope to start with…. And use the ladder in case of emergencies." Leo did not know what to do. He had to figure something out.

"No matter what you decide, be careful of the man downstairs. You did not give him anything this time, which is good, but he might do something crazy if he is unable to get anything." Nora wanted Leo to keep aware of his surroundings at all times. 

  "For now, we should be fine. If that bastard causes trouble, I will kill him. While I do not wish to kill other humans, I will do what I need to, to protect myself." Leo did not like the idea of killing another human being even though he had cut the heads off zombies, but he did not wish to die either.

"That is for the best." Nora liked Leo's state of mind.

Leo quickly returned to his apartment, where he found Rebecca holding a weight in her hand, hiding in one of the corners. When she saw it was him, she let out a sigh of relief. Leo scratched his head as he said: "Only I have keys to this place, you know."

"That guy downstairs might have killed you and taken them," Rebecca replied with a snort as she put the weight down. "Anyway, our supplies, if we go easy on them, will last two weeks. That is with us drinking three bottles of water a day. There was still plenty of water back at the store, but we could not carry it all. So we can always go back for more if it is still there."

  "If we go out again, we will do so at night," Leo replied. During the day is too dangerous. If we get seen by people again, we are just asking to be targeted. Even now, we need to be on guard at all times."

"True. I also thought about that." Rebecca frowned. "Have you thought of a way to reinforce this place?" 

"Yes, with your room's doors and the others on this floor, we should be able to make a decent barricade. We will need to search the other rooms for supplies as well. Our main goal is to survive here until we can find a new, more secure location to make a base in." Leo knew this would be the hardest part.

"I might have an idea of a place," Rebecca announced. "Can you come with me to my room? There is a map of the area there. And I also need clothing…."

"Yeah." Leo nodded and picked up his sword. The two walked next door. When Rebecca opened the door, he was greeted with a room almost as empty as his. Only a tall bookcase filled with books and a bed. 

Rebecca walked over to the side, where she had a box filled with clothes. She grabbed a few pairs of underwear and socks as well as some normal clothing. She then walked over to her bookshelf and grabbed a map she had stuffed on the shelf. She then looked at Leo, who was looking at her, and pursed her lips. "Grab the food that can be used from the kitchen…."

"Right, sorry." Leo blushed slightly. She did not think this girl would wear black panties. She was a petite girl who barely came up to his neck. With how cute she was, it made him imagine things a bit. He was a guy, after all. 

None of this crossed Rebecca's mind. To her, they were just clothing. She still wanted to wear whatever clean things she could while she had a chance since she knew being able to do so in the future would not be easy. If she even had a future. After collecting what they could, Leo and Rebecca went back to his apartment. 

Downstairs, the man sat on his bed, unsure of what to do. He was angry but could not express it. He had at most two days worth of food left. The only thing he had going for him was the water from the tap, which meant he would not go thirsty. But even then, he felt it tasted strange. "Fuck… he got so many things, but he did not even give me a bag of chips! He could have just gone back out to get more! Selfish little prick! Fuck! Let's see if I do not get even with you."

Although he said this, he still did not dare to take a step out of his apartment. Nor did he realize that drinking the water from the tap was already a death sentence for him.