It's About Patience

Varun was waiting for his Quidditch moment for getting someone as life partner. Instead of taking a decisive call, he relied upon coincidences. But Why? His Birth name was Sarvesh, ofen when he asked for the reason behind this name, his mom would reply him that she wanted him to be alike god. This has made him believe more firmly in the existence of the Almighty. 

Amidst all, he had started working hard on improving his physics. He kept aside his laziness and revised all the notes every day after college.

Every time in the question-answer session the professor asked him to solve a question and starting from the easiest one she raised the level in the next session. Sometimes he solved the whole question on her own and sometimes he was assisted by the professor in the same way that it occurred on the first such incident.

This increased reputation of him had made a few students approach him for knowing the process of solving questions.

Varun and Sourabh used to have very decent coordination as roommates. They had already decided to maintain it by avoiding any exchange other than words.

They both had a lot of stories to share and it was the only way of getting out the pain of unhygienic and tasteless mess food. The mess service was operated by the brother of that lodge owner. It had been made binding of everyone there for taking food from the same mess. Every time we asked them to improve the quality of food, they had a recorded answer; No one had ever suffered from any kind of illness due to this food. After a few dramatic agitations, we made them improve the menu.

''Once the same food used to be an only good thing.''

''I had arrived here too early. It took more than a week to get a proper routine for classes. Till then classes were too irregular. We hardly attended more than two or three introductory lectures in that whole week. In a new city with unfamiliar faces, waiting to get this same food was the only excitement."

Today Sourabh was less involved in Varun's words in more in looking into his phone. Otherwise every time after completion of Varun's story he responded with a parallel story that had happened in his life.

He had managed to get a selfie with the cutest girl in his class. He was busy surfing social media profiles for knowing more about her. In no time Sourabh's words full of illusive imagination gave a realization to Varun that more ''Kaand '' were awaiting.

''Wow! She was born on the same day as me."

Showing her DP to Varun, Sourabh sighed resentfully, '' She seems to be from a very rich family.''

She had a selfie with her brother inside a BMW. He went to her brother's profile. Sourabh found that almost all the photos of him were liked by one of Varun's classmate, whom he had met a few days back. The broadness of his smile went in proportion to the increasing number of even.

He started to reach his class prior to everyone so that he could get a seat in front. For putting a nice impression on everyone's mind. He started to interact more with professors. He focused more on the subject of his strength for making it nearly perfect. This caused a few embarrassing moments for professors when they were unable to clear the doubts of his standard.

No effort ever gets wasted; reward comes to you in one way or other. The moment occurred when he entered the examination hall for exams of his 2nd semester. Her seat was allotted parallel to him on the same desk. Coincidence had played its role for once more. Sometimes when we are attached more to someone, we start considering them as our charm. Today he was assured of getting through all the questions easily.

The same was not the case with Riya, who required some help and she was at the best place in the whole room for getting it.

Sourabh, who was determined to do so asked for an extra sheet without finishing the initial one. He started writing answers on the second sheet and passed it to her. He didn't get the kind of response that he wanted, except a thank you with a smiling face. Later that day it turned into joy when he saw the notification of an accepted request of him on FB. He didn't delay in sending a message, which went unseen till the exams were over. Probably she was too busy preparing for the rest of the papers.

On the other hand, Varun with no such reason for accelerating his exam preparation was induced a bit by his roommate's efforts. He never got too extraordinary marks. In-fact he never valued it over what was necessary for up-gradation of the class. But for being the centre of things in studies too, he always gave time to the most favourable subject, so that he could score the highest numbers in at least that particular subject.

When results were out, this time he had made it possible in physics. He had paid back for the faith that was shown by her physics teacher. Rising from the easiest to moderate, she had made him capable of solving almost every question of that level. Showing some patience for improvement by the installation of a feeling of faith in someone was always a better option instead of putting a stamp on someone for being incompetent. It was different from most experiences where even and odds were selected and odds were always considered as a source of entertainment for the evens and the selector.

Sourabh's wait kept extending without any sort of hopeful event. Every coincidental event going in his favour due to the effect of feelings installed in his heart was the only satisfying thing that was happening in that course of time. Nature absorbs even the most minor of thoughts and responds accordingly.

The most powerful feeling in nature, existing so wisely in someone's heart was surely going to cause its effect. The sense of positivity in his mind increased the strength of passion for her to a level, where it seems that there can't be anything beyond it. He started conceiving everything as a sign of not letting her go away from him.

He was prepared for starting the new semester on a high note. As like every semester, initial classes went vacant. While everyone else was busy sharing their memories of vacation, he thought of utilizing it for reading a few articles. His unexpected silence didn't suit some of his old mates, who had always witnessed him be the most expressive person in such a situation. They wanted to bring the same out of him for the pleasure that they gained from his stories. Once they succeed in their attempt, he expressed everything that he had to say about everyone in his class.

The moment of carelessness soon faded away. He had spoiled a bottle full of water on the notes of a girl sitting on the bench beside him. As he noticed it, he looked at her with pleading eyes. She was already disturbed by their unwanted noise. Moreover, she took it as an attempt of teasing her. The attention of the whole class shifted to their argument. Sourabh's eyes went on Riya. He witnessed a huge sign of disagreement on her face, probably not due to something that could happen by mistake but by the unnecessary words that he had passed during the argument, where he could have been silently let it go.

Still having no dare to approach her straight, he decided to wait for the evening to explain to her about everything. All of his expectations meet to an end with a bulk of unseen messages. With such strong correlated events, he was puzzled; whether it was the end of the road or just a pause for the scope of improvement.