Chapter 499: Take Your Child Away

"Your aunt is going through menopause, don't mind her, come on and eat," Mr. Turner said with a helpless smile as he looked at Mrs. Turner's unpretentious appearance.

Charlotte couldn't help but burst into laughter, "I really want to know how Uncle managed to chase after Auntie."

"It was your auntie who chased after me," Mr. Turner replied, his demeanor remaining composed and serious as one might be accustomed to in the political arena.

"Hey! You old fool, who taught you to lie without preparing a draft, and you're not even ashamed!" Mrs. Turner retorted without showing any weakness, "Charlotte, let me tell you, the love letters he wrote to me back then would take three days and three nights to read through!"

"Yeah, right, a whole white bed sheet was covered with the word 'stupid', and it would take more than three days and nights just to get through that," Mr. Turner coolly poured cold water on the claim.