Chapter 503: Mom Said Not to Lie

Xavier nodded with a look of half-understanding.

"If it really hurts, can't you smile?"

"I get it, auntie is in pain, so she can't smile at Xavier!" Clever Xavier understood right away, and his sullen mood vanished. "Next time, Xavier will give auntie a big hug."

Kevin Cliff smiled with satisfaction.

Xavier was very clever. At the age of four, there was no hint of mischief about him, he was quiet by nature, and somewhat mature for his age.

"Daddy, mommy says we shouldn't lie, but you lied today!" Xavier said with a scolding tone.

"Hmm? When did I lie?" Kevin Cliff asked, frowning.

"You told auntie, and grandpa and grandma that I was at a nearby hobby class, which is a lie!" In reality, Daddy had specifically picked him up from school to come here for lunch.

"Daddy said that so that Xavier could have lunch with auntie and the others." Kevin Cliff chuckled, noting how long the child's memory was. He really was clever!