After Kevin Cliff had said his piece, Charlotte Green's heart met his burning gaze, their breaths so close she could almost believe they were each other's.
"Then why won't you help me!" Charlotte snapped back to reality, retreating from the closeness.
Kevin Cliff raised his hand to hold the back of her head, pulling her closer, eye to eye, "Because if I offered to stop helping you, I wouldn't be able to be with you openly anymore."
Charlotte's heart raced, "Aren't we being open enough?"
"Charlotte, I'm waiting, waiting for you to be willing to give me that openness," he said earnestly.
Charlotte was dumbfounded. Why did he make it sound as though she was keeping him, almost like a kept man!
His lips were warm on hers, he had kissed her again without asking for permission, but of course, if he had waited for her permission, he wouldn't be Kevin Cliff.