The Control Room bore no sign of Chris either, and Charlotte Green grew more anxious because if the last person who saw Chris said it was two hours ago, it meant that in these two hours, Chris might have encountered some mishap. She had also asked the reception, and they hadn't seen Chris leaving the building; moreover, the surveillance video at the main entrance hadn't captured any footage of Chris...
She really hoped that Ethan was still inside the company building, rather than outside. If he was lost outside the company, then... the consequences were too horrifying for her to even contemplate.
Kevin Cliff's mind indeed worked faster than hers. He immediately had people search starting from Paradise; they scoured every corner within the company.
However, after a frantic search, they found no trace of Chris, and as time passed, Charlotte grew more uneasy, wrapped in a cocoon of fear, terrified that the incident from years ago might repeat itself.