Chapter 13: Encirclement

Even so, she noticed, when Ella Lacey almost slipped and fell, Arthur Lindsey's broad shoulders even twitched unconsciously!

Was he worried for that reckless girl?

This can't be an illusion!

Sally Jefferson's mineral water bottle dropped on the ground with a "thump". Suddenly, Arthur Lindsey, as if revived, stood up solemnly and said with a cold voice, "Without my permission, do not come a step closer to me!"

Frightened, Sally Jefferson didn't dare make a sound, she hurriedly took a few steps back.

Her eyes red, she felt very wronged, wondering why he is always so fierce and cold towards her.

"Hey ——"

Ella Lacey stood at the top of the mountain, her little hands in front of her mouth like a megaphone, and shouted down, "I have already pasted the wish card on the luck tree —— Sally, there's one for you too ——"

No sooner had she finished speaking, than she noticed an anomaly at the foot of the mountain ——

In the blink of an eye, Arthur Lindsey and Sally Jefferson were surrounded!

Like a tidal wave, the students surged forward, gathering at the foot of the mountain, shouting "Arthur Lindsey Oppa" "Arthur Lindsey, my heartthrob" "National husband"...

Before, they could only see CEO Arthur on TV, today was the first time they got so close, and their reactions were extraordinarily intense. They crazily took photos, the clicks of "snap snap" overlapping, and stretched out their hands trying to touch Arthur Lindsey's body. Everyone was pushing and shoving, screaming, and the scene went out of control!

Ella Lacey was dumbfounded on the mountain, Arthur's popularity was really no joke, it was even greater than some movie celebrities.

But how did they know Arthur had shown up at Yun University?

No one should know yet!

Arthur prefers to keep a low profile and didn't notify any school leaders. She and Sally also kept it a secret. Could these students really have super eyesight to recognize Arthur disguised like this?

Ella noticed more and more students swarming here, all treating Arthur Lindsey like prey, irresponsibly mobbing him. The wave of people was rolling rapidly, screams from people falling down one after another, cries of "he's trampled! He's trampled! He's trampled!"

Ella began to worry about Arthur's safety. If he was trampled, what would she do?

She may just give up on life, jump off the mountain top, turn into a meat pie, and follow him into death...

"Guys, you've mistaken the identity!" Ella didn't want to become a meat pie with him, so she hurried down the mountain while shouting, "He's not Arthur Lindsey! Not your heartthrob! You guys really got the wrong person!!"

But it was useless.

Like a drop of water merging into the great river, impossible to trace, the voice Ella shouted with all her strength was completely drowned by the huge noisy crowd at the foot of the mountain.

She didn't give up, panting heavily, her feet were covered in mud, she ran and crawled, and returned to the foot of the mountain in a very miserable state. She pulled at people and shouted, "Hey, make a way, the guy there isn't Arthur Lindsey, you guys have misunderstood."

"..." No one paid attention to her, no one made way for her, only more people pushed forward. She was like an annoying passerby, pushed down by a fat guy from behind.

Ella fell on the ground, her palms supporting her against the ground, scraped by the broken stones.

She endured the pain, watching countless legs swing in front of her, until she felt dizzy. She was still worried about Arthur Lindsey, murmuring softly:

"Little brother, you must be okay...I just made an extra wish on the luck marry be with you for a grow old together..."