Chapter 203: The Fabricated Evidence is Exposed

"Yes indeed, Mr. Arthur, Louis and Ella have obtained a marriage certificate."

Noticing the color drain from Arthur Lindsey's face, Amber Sherwood added fuel to the fire. "You have quite the timing, Mr. Lindsey. Look how happy we all are. We were thinking about setting a wedding date soon and then informing you."

"Arthur Lindsey, Ella is now our daughter-in-law of the Jefferson family. If you intend to take her away, you need our consent first. You can't simply make a decision unilaterally." Herick Jefferson stated, rising from his seat with an air of authority.

"Is that so?"

With a wicked grin on his face, Arthur coolly turned his attention towards Louis Jefferson, "Obtained a certificate, you say? Are you sure?"

"Yes, Mr. Arthur, Ella and I are now legally married." Louis maintained a steady tone, avoiding Arthur's piercing gaze.

"Such a lie!"

Furious, Arthur blurted, "Ella has not reached the legal age to marry! Who did you get the certificate from!?"