Chapter 457: So It Was Her Playing Tricks On You

But, it's a secret, a secret that can't be shared!

One afternoon.

He was somewhat distracted, and before he knew it, the weather outside had changed vastly. A storm was brewing, with thunder and lightning...

It reminded him of a similar day when he had fallen from a plane...

When he had woken up, he had found himself in an opulent and mysterious courtyard...

Lots of strange and inexplicable things had happened after that...

Next door, in the King's secretary's office.

Ella Thompson was gazing at the torrential rain pounding on the windowsill, sounding like beans being scattered, as if pounding on one's heart, causing a dull ache.

She disliked such harsh weather.

It made her feel irrationally unsafe and reminded her of the day of the plane crash...

If it weren't for that day, things would be different now—he wouldn't be Alvin Lindsey, and she wouldn't be Ella Thompson. Their status wouldn't be so vastly different...