Chapter 878: Are There Any Superpowers Left?

Ella Lacey didn't nod in agreement, nor did she decline.

Right now, she missed GeBao and HuoHuo immensely. If only they were here, finding Arthur would have almost been a piece of cake.

Three years ago.

To retain her superpower, before giving birth, her great-grandmother had given her many unique traditional remedies.

They were almost never used by members of the royal family.

She was the first.

And ultimately, it proved effective; after giving birth, she still possessed telekinetic power.

But her space had suddenly shrunk, now only the size of a camera; last time at the airport, she had hidden the camera in this tiny pocket of space.

As the space shrunk, GeBao and HuoHuo, the semi-transparent cloak, the nine-colored flower, and those pills found under the influence of earth's core gravity... all disappeared without a trace.