Chapter 3: Suspected Hype

Monica Baldwin smiled and nodded, then lifted her skirt and sprinted backstage. Because of her mask, if there were any differences to be distinguished between her and Arianne Chadwick, it would be her long legs, known to be some of the most beautiful in the world.

The show had evidently reached its climax. Monica, reclining on a rattan chair, descended from above. All the spotlights were on her, but it was noticed her delicate wrist did not bear the Crown Star gem...

What was happening?

The audience looked around for the missing Crown Star, giving Monica a closer once-over. Soon, many noticed Monica's long, fair legs...

Such unforgettable legs!

Then, the golden-masked Monica flashed a confident smile and elegantly lifted her hand. She leaned her head back and lifted her left leg towards the audience, striking a graceful dance pose. In that instant, the Crown Star hanging on Monica's ankle slipped off along the white dress from her leg, dazzling with a breathtaking brilliance.

Good heavens...

Everyone was stunned by the sight, especially as Monica continued to change her position and motions on the rattan chair, presenting the Crown Star on her ankle in alluring different angles...

The audience erupted in enthusiastic applause. Everyone excitedly stood up just to clap for Monica...

Amid the crowd, at a lofty and secluded spot, Victor Chadwick was intently watching Monica on stage. His newlywed wife, a former top model of Silverton, was surprisingly walking the runway in place of a B Model.

Yet, it had to be said that she was still the top model she was three years ago or even after her three-year withdrawal. She was born to be on the runway...

As she held her final pose, the jewelry show concluded flawlessly. The founder of HF was very satisfied with Monica's walk. However, he was oblivious to the fact that the model was Monica instead of Arianne Chadwick.

He walked onto the runway from backstage, offering Monica a gentlemanly hand, and led her to the forefront to bow and thank the audience.

"Thank you, everyone, and of course, thank you Miss Chadwick for her exceptional performance in the show."

Monica didn't utter a word, just giving a polite bow. But unexpectedly, a sharp voice from the end of the runway broke the silence: "She is not Arianne Chadwick! I have seen Arianne Chadwick in person. Arianne Chadwick doesn't have such long legs!"

For a moment, everyone was taken aback. They looked at Monica on stage with suspicion, sizing up her long legs again: "If you are truly Miss Chadwick, please take off your mask. If not, Sonora Entertainment is full of cheaters!"

Doubtful voices grew louder and stronger, to the point where even the HF designer had to question whether the woman beside him was really Arianne Chadwick.

"Miss Chadwick, could you please remove your mask..." The designer too wanted to know. If she wasn't Arianne Chadwick, there would be no further need for collaboration with Sonora.

Monica appeared flustered, but she didn't have the option to back out at this point. With no way out, she removed her mask. The moment she revealed her face, she left everyone holding their breath. Some instantly recognized the former top model...

"It's Monica Baldwin!"

Everyone started talking. After Monica was blacklisted, her status no longer existed. She had even fallen below the standing of an amateur model. To their surprise, she had stooped so low as to take someone else's walk. Was this publicity stunt intentional or was she just responding to the situation?

"It's Monica Baldwin." Reporters circled her quickly, leaving Monica no escape.

"Miss Baldwin, can you explain to everyone why you replaced the specially invited Arianne Chadwick at HF's jewelry show?"

"As everyone knows, you have been blacklisted for three years. Don't you intend to use this show to return to the model circle?"

"An outdated model, do you admit to snatching Arianne Chadwick's resources? Did you intentionally take advantage of her injury to seize her endorsements?"

"It's apparent that this is a publicity stunt. I always said, since Arianne Chadwick is injured, how could she have possibly walked this show? "Top Model"? More like "Cheap Model"!"

The reporters' questions became increasingly aggressive. Some were already making senseless remarks.

"Outdated Cheap Model..."

"Give the endorsement back to Arianne!"

Monica was cornered by the reporters, even pushed around. However, HF's designer continued to throw jabs at her: "I will press charges against Sonora Entertainment. This is fraud! I want Arianne Chadwick, and you serve me an unknown model." The designer was clueless about Monica's status three years ago. He only knew he hadn't seen her as a model recently.

"And you, see you in court! But for now, get off my runway. You shouldn't be standing here."

The sharp yell echoed throughout the showplace. Even the reporters present were taken aback. No model had ever been screamed at like this on such a stage.

"Are you still not leaving?"

Although Monica was prepared for the worst, she still had to suppress her humiliation. Just as she was about to leave, a magnetic voice came from the end of the runway. "Someone really should get out..."

The reporters were startled and turned to the voice. It was Victor Chadwick, standing aloof at the edge of the runway. Everyone's eyes went wide. Wasn't he the Corporate President of Ocean Entertainment? What was he doing here at the show?

More importantly, he was stepping onto the runway. Everyone knew Victor hated showbiz manipulations. By playing this game, Monica was courting disaster. Even Ocean Entertainment couldn't stand by idly anymore.

Everyone held their breath, foreseeing Monica's downfall. But to their surprise, Victor walked over to Monica and, resembling an emperor, told the HF designer, "Indeed, someone has to go...but it isn't her who should's you!"

"I can make HF disappear from Silverton. It seems your manners don't match the quality of your jewelry, do they?"

Monica's heart skipped a beat. She had never expected... this newlywed husband, whom she had only met three times, would step up to defend her.

All media present were shocked and began to feel apprehensive. Had they known the relationship between Monica and Ocean Entertainment, they would have been more cautious.

The HF designer's face turned pale, but he was aware he couldn't afford to offend Ocean Entertainment. After a few seconds of silence, he had no choice but to apologize: "I'm sorry, Boss Chadwick, I was unaware of Ms. Baldwin's connection to you..."

"You're mistaken. There isn't any connection between her and me. I just simply...disapprove of your character!" Victor Chadwick avoided the subject of his relationship with Monica, and prepared to leave. Before he did, he turned back to face the media and claimed, "But it's undeniable that she is a New Star in the model circle!"