Chapter 105: Look at Each Other with Newfound Respect

At the same time, Simon Hanson used a moment when his older brother was not paying attention to replace one of the scandalous photos of Monica Baldwin he had prepared with another draft.

It wasn't until the draft caused a media sensation, that Blake Lewis realized the scandalous material his younger brother had sent out was actually not the draft he had titled, "Monica Baldwin's Bed Climbing: Definitive Proof"...

But it was changed to "Shocking Dark Truth: Newcomer added to the Bed Scandal!"

Wisely, Simon did not mention Monica, in line with his agreement with Meghan, the online public only needed to know that Monica was not involved. There was no need to push her to the eye of the storm.

In this draft, a large number of the evidences, including photos of Elijah Davis's affairs and other models involved in the unspoken rules, were revealed. And the involved female stars' names were all replaced with the initial capital letters.