Chapter 140: Not My Daughter, It's Monica Baldwin!

"Monica Baldwin?!

Upon hearing this name, Clarissa Ellis seemed to suddenly snap out of her thoughts, she pleaded somewhat apologetically to the others, "I hope you can keep this a secret."

"Don't worry, we won't say anything. Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"

How could such a situation not be spread around?

"I really don't need to." With the help of the crowd, Clarissa stood up, rubbed her head and carefully left the Nightshade Pub after confirming she was alright.

After returning to her car, she meticulously recalled her encounter with Lexi Price. Lexi had been wearing a hat and her true identity had remained undiscovered. Also, Lexi couldn't have entered a bar at only 16 years old, which suggested she must have used a fake ID.

Regardless, Lexi's drug abuse meant she had no future. At least Clarissa could still take this opportunity to tarnish Monica's reputation. It would not have been in vain that she endured such torment and suffering.