Chapter 222 Your Agent is Really Awesome!

The person in charge of ExcaliburQ, for a while, could not decide. Ultimately, he let the entire selection group have a vote.

Actually, he himself was leaning towards Monica Baldwin, but ExcaliburQ, after all, was not something he could decide all by himself. He needed to see supporters in order to convince the top management to employ Monica Baldwin, whose fame is not as high as Elena Eillie's.

The selection group evaluated the work of both competitators and Elena Eillie had the final lead in the overall score. Consequently, the selection group, consisting of seven people, did a voting on their preference: Elena Eillie received four votes while Monica Baldwin got three.

Upon seeing the results, Stenson furrowed his brows, because the more votes Elena received, the more resistant he felt about the result.

It seemed as if he was seeing the days when ExcaliburQ was faced with malicious competition, the same kind of helplessness and oppression once again.