Chapter 252: I've Torn Out My Heart, Do You Want It?

Farah Moore thought that given Victor Chadwick's temperament, there was no way Irene Summers, after what she'd done, could still remain at Ocean Entertainment Group. But to her astonishment, a disheartened Irene eventually came back begging for Farah's acceptance!

"Why are you still here?"

somewhat timidly, Irene looked at Farah, her once dominant personality, which used to keep Farah under her control, had vanished. All that was left was a pitiful figure, eyes brimming with tears.

"Boss Chadwick won't let me leave," she sobbed, "I need to learn from my mistakes so I could continue being your agent."

The color drained from Farah's face…

The fact that she had tolerated Irene's backstabbing and let her go to Victor was all because Farah wanted Victor to see what kind of person her agent was, which could make her become a model under Victor's command.

But... Victor had actually sent Irene back?