Chapter 269: Why Aren't You Saving the Earth?

"Whether or not Monica Baldwin is having a good life isn't up to you, so take care of yourself." Having said that, Noah Clarke turned to leave. However, at the doorway, he turned back and said, "The reporters have diverted their attention from you. If you want to leave, now would be a good time."

Farah Moore looked at Clarke and laughed, "You too, interested in my waist and chest, thinking of exploiting me?"

Noah shrugged it off: "Are you dreaming?"

Farah managed a self-deprecating smile, pushing herself to get up from the bed: "Clarke, CICI, I don't want either of them. Just fulfill one request for me, take me home."

They have known each other for six years. Even though their encounters weren't frequent, there was no need for such harsh treatment.

Noah Clarke measured her request and nodded his agreement: "Go change your clothes."