Chapter 413: He, Victor Chadwick, Will Win

Late at night, Victor Chadwick still sat in his study, while Anthony Lewis acted with even greater speed. Within merely five hours, following the trail to its source, Lewis had found the location of Rita Summers' younger brother. The boy was uncontacted because he had lost his mobile phone with his classmates' and couldn't remember his family's numbers.

The boy was safe.

Breathing a sigh of relief after hearing this news, Rita Summers, along with Jasper Baldwin, still didn't leave the training room of the Ocean Entertainment Group. In the dark, the two looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Boss Chadwick is truly incredible, able to see the mystery at a first glance." Rita Summers exclaimed.

"Of course he is, who do you think would be able to marry my sister?" Jasper Baldwin said, clutching his guitar with a grin. "Now that your brother is okay, we can watch Director Wright's downfall."

Rita Summers joined in with a knowing smile.