Chapter 448: Are You Interested in Her?

The next morning, Victor Chadwick got Monica Baldwin up for martial arts training. Given that the action sequences Monica would be shooting next were even more dangerous, she would always discuss the scenes with Victor first and heed his suggestions.

Indeed, on many occasions when Director Vian issued a directive for Monica to prepare mentally, the crew often assumed she would need a lot of time due to her lack of martial arts background. It was astonishing, however, that Monica only needed one evening to change what she didn't know into something she did.

So, some on the crew judged Monica this way: never evaluate the Monica of the next moment with that of the previous one. After all, besides the fact that she tried hard, she also had an all-around manager - Victor.

The Old Master stayed on the set of the new movie. Even after his identity was revealed, he maintained his traditional attire, gracefully shaking his fan, giving occasional acting pointers to Monica.