Chapter 477: Do You Want...... My Help?

"Grandpa is no longer just my grandpa now," Victor Chadwick said, looking at his wife with a twinge of jealousy.

"Grandpa has looked at you for how many years? He is currently intrigued by me, but once this child is born, do you think he will still see me with the same eyes?" Monica Baldwin was unable to stop herself from laughing, "Besides, isn't my love for you enough?"

Victor didn't respond, he simply leaned in to kiss Monica on her forehead, then held her as they fell asleep together.

In her sleep, Monica suddenly felt that Victor's body was hot, so she quickly sat up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Propping himself up on the headboard, Victor waved his hand, "Don't worry about me, go back to sleep."

Monica knew that this man had been abstaining from sex because of her for a long time. Before, he didn't think much of it because he had never experienced such torturous desire, but now that his wife was pregnant, it would be hard for any man to endure, right?