Chapter 584: The Misunderstanding of a Beauty

When Sarah Bailey received Harper Morgan's call, she was eating with an oily mouth. It was a memory from her childhood and something Jasper Baldwin had bought for her, so she cherished it and ate slowly.

"I'm Harper Morgan, let's meet now."

Sarah was taken aback. She put the phone away in confusion, then put it back to her ear: "You have a message, say it; I'm not too keen on seeing you in person."

"Glory Hotel hall, you have half an hour. It's about Jasper, miss it and you will regret." Harper glanced at her wristwatch and hung up after finishing her words.

Sarah sighed. This was, no doubt, due to Harper's arrogance and rudeness. Was she her errand girl, expected to be at her beck and call?

Nonetheless, although Sarah was uncomfortable, when she heard it was about Jasper, she had to set aside her meal, tidy up, change, and leave her apartment.